Frequently Asked Questions About Fuel Additives
So, what is special about Fuelmaster® against other products?
1. Fuelmaster® reacts chemically with water and bonds it to the fuel molecule (it is NO LONGER a water molecule) and it can now burn off harmlessly. The danger of water passing through injectors is that at the point of combustion the water molecule becomes steam, which damages the injectors, modern “common rail” fuel systems are permanently damaged if water is pumped though. Fuelmaster® prevents this damage because water is no longer present.
2. Its composition does not include biocides which can be harmful over time.
3. Fuelmaster is a natural LUBRICITY IMPROVER which improves the engine’s performance.
What happens if I overdose with Fuelmaster®?
Overdosing is not a problem. Fuelmaster® is produced from the same base product as your fuel, hence is will not have any bad effects. There is no need to overdose, as Fuelmaster® works well at 1:4,000. We do recommend at least double-dosing if you have heavy contamination, or want quicker initial results. Once the initial cleanup is effected, the maintenance dose protects your system thereafter.
What can I expect when I use Fuelmaster® in my engine for the first time?
This does depend on what you are hoping to achieve by using Fuelmaster®. If you have an older type engine (which will have carbon build up), or a fuel tank with heavy contamination, you may find you are seeing more black smoke than normal, INITIALLY. This is nothing to be concerned about, as it is just the “clean-up phase”. Fuel Filters need to be watched carefully and may need to be changed during this “clean-up phase”. Thereafter, the smoke should clear,the engine should start quicker, and run smoothly and more economically. NOW you can have peace of mind knowing that the product is working continually to maintain the condition of your entire fuel system and deal with any water which may from time to time be encountered, while providing greater top end lubrication to your engine. buy it cheap software
Can Fuelmaster® be used in petrol engines?
Yes. Both 2 & 4 stroke engines, Used at the same ratio, it will stop the gum & varnish building up, and it will keep the combustion chamber free from carbon build up, resulting in clean spark plugs & easy starting. Also it will extend the storage life of petrol.
Why not biocides?
Biocides are contact killers. If the infection/contamination is heavy the biocide may not reach and kill all live microbes in the system. What you may find is that the top layers receive the treatment, whilst those surfaces which receive little or no contact with the biocide (floors and walls of tanks) remain untreated. If dosing is not effective, microbes (like many diseases) can develop into resistant strains, meaning higher doses are required, or a change of product. Also, if any free water is present, biocides will drop out into the water. If this mix is then drawn up by the fuel pick-up lines, and into the fuel reticulation system, it can cause significant damage to fuel pumps and injectors. Also, biocides are dangerous to handle and are NOT environmentally friendly.
What is the best way to dose with Fuelmaster®?
It is best to put Fuelmaster® into the tank BEFORE you fill with fuel. This way it mixes all the way through rapidly and is ready to work. If there is heavy sludge or known contamination, we recommend you attempt to empty out as much of this sludge as you can (if you can reach it) by pumping or siphoning. Then mix Fuelmaster® at the double dose rate with some of your fuel prior to putting it in your tank. The pre-mix speeds up dispersal of the product.
What about biofuels?
These products are developed from a renewable source and are known for emitting lower emissions. However, biodiesel has a tendency to attract higher levels of moisture. This is believed to be the major factor behind the increasing prevalence of microbial contamination in blended fuels. They also have a tendency to stick to tank and pipeline structures, making them very difficult to remove completely from bulk fuel supply ships and pipelines. Common rail injector systems are destroyed by fuels that contain moisture. Fuelmaster® deals with water in fuel effectively, as explained above.
Is Fuelmaster suitable for treating fuel storage tanks?
Fuelmaster works brilliantly as a fuel stabiliser and is ideally suited to maintaining fuel quality in storage tanks, keeping your fuel fresh and free from impurities.
Adding Fuelmaster to your fuel storage tanks will extend the usable life of your fuel and is highly recommended to deal with and/or avoid problems with old fuel and aging storage tanks.